Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates
Acorns-For putting on an incredible Christmas nativity. You rocked the stage and we cannot wait for the final performance.
Class 1-For their amazing effort in our Christmas play. You all sparkled and shined throughout and we are SO proud!
Class 2- Tate for being a creative and confident learner this week. We have loved seeing you shine. Congratulations superstar! Keep it up.
Class 3- Robert for his fantastic effort and determination with his maths work! Well done Robert!
Class 4- Finlay B -For his outstanding behaviour this week.
Class 5-Elouisa for your brilliant and positive attitude this week. We love hearing your thoughts during lessons and have enjoyed your brilliant smile and enthusiasm this week!
Class 6- Cody for his focus and determination to be the best that he can be. You have worked tirelessly in class and at home and I am super proud of you!
KS1 Reading Star- Evie for being such a bookworm this week!
KS2 Reading Star- Charlie T - for his beautiful and confident reading at the church!