

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 7 -17.10.22 Home Learning & Spellings

Week 7- 20.10.22


Thank you for a brilliant half term Year 2, wow that has flown by!

You have all worked so hard and should be very proud of yourself!


Home Learning for this week is:


1. Spellings for this week are - Please learn all 7 days of the week using capital letters.

I have attached sheets if you would like to complete them or you can write them in a list on a notepad.


Challenge: Learn the 12 months of the Year.


2. Next half term we will be looking at the world we live in. We will be exploring maps and places around the world.  As part of your home learning I would like you to take a look at a map of the world to familiarise yourself with where we live in England and where other places are in the world. I wonder if you have any relatives in other countries or places that you may have visited. Talk about this with your grown ups and note some of these places down e.g My aunty lives in France or A friend lives in Germany. 


Challenge - Write down 5 places you or your family have visited, spell the country names correctly and explain where they are in the world e.g. I have visited Spain, this is in Europe and it is close to England.  

My family live in South America, this is a long plane journey ride from England.

I have added some maps for you to look at and refer to.


If you happen to go on holiday or to visit somewhere in half term, then please bring in some photos/information to share in class. We can even put these on display in the classroom!


Have a brilliant half term holiday!


I look forward to seeing you soon.


Mrs Clark
