

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


Another action packed week this week. The children started the week with their enthusiastic, entertaining performance at the dance festival on Monday. They were an absolute credit to the school and danced their socks off!


This week we have been immersed in a poem called the Highwayman and have had enormous fun performing it rather dramatically! In addition, we have created rounds and added instruments and movement. A noisy afternoon was had by all!


On another note, when the children are handing out party invitations, can they please be mindful of the children they are not inviting. Perhaps give them out discretely so that the children aren't as aware. It would really help. Thank you for your support.


Finally, the partnership books are for any comments/communication to me. If you could ensure that you write anything you need to discuss in there, I can respond that day. I will be talking to the children about putting the books in a daily message box.


Many thanks

Mrs Fagence
