

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week beg - 10th May 2021

It's been yet another fabulous week Class 2 and that brilliance has been bursting out.


What fun we have had learning about time again this week. You are all now experts in telling the time to  o'clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and to 5 mins. What superstars! We even tried some tricky problem solving questions involving time too and you smashed it!


In our English lessons we continued to explore writing instructions and had the opportunity to use all our knowledge to write our own instructions to help us make a healthy salad. We then used these instructions to create our healthy salad which was great fun. We enjoyed eating our masterpieces on Friday afternoon. What a great end to the week! 


Our sunflowers are also looking amazing. Check out the photos below.
