

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Summer Term

Wow! I cannot believe we are in the summer term already. This year is flying by. We've had a really busy week in our first week back. We've launched our new topic what a wonderful world by learning all about different continents in the world. We have also started our new science topic and this term we are going to be learning all about plants. I can't wait to see how your tomato plants have been growing when you bring them in. We've started off our plant topic by learning all about the life cycle of a plant and what it needs to survive. I have sent home our curriculum overview, but I have also attached it on here, so everyone can see all the wonderful things we will be learning about this term. I can't wait. I will be updating the website regularly so keep your eyes peeled to find out all the amazing activities we've been up to.


Miss Harrison :) 


