

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 8.7.22

Your home learning is inspired by our writing topic – sagas and your amazing ideas this week so far.


Your job is to write a 100 word story. You have the choice of being a Pharaoh or a Craftsman. Remember Pharaohs were the kings or queens of Egypt. The most rich and powerful who decided everything about the country. They were almost seen as gods! Or you might want to be a Craftsman who were skilled people who made things like pottery, cloth, jewellery, shoes, leather and statues. You can write in first person. Remember it’s only 100 words but it needs to have beginning middle and end 😊 Be super creative! I am looking forward to reading your short 100 word saga.

 Enjoy the challenge! 😊


 Please remember to practise spellings, login to Sumdog, Myon and TTRS too.
