

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Easter Home Learning

Hello Class 1,

Thank you for a fab spring term!

Next half term our topic will be 'Plant Power' and as part of our learning we will be exploring plants and flowers. In preparation for this I would like you to get creative and make a Spring flower or plant of your own for your home learning. This could be painted, collage, 3D junk model, salt dough, clay, taking photographs whilst out and about and using them to create a picture, using natural materials or seeds...the choice is yours!

As always, don't forget to keep reading books and using and learning your weekly spellings (I have posted the overview below, you will be tested on week 1 the first Thursday back at school). I'd really like you to spend this time over half term practising your handwriting from all letter families. Below I have posted some useful resources for you. We try hard with our letter formation and size, let's keep up the hard work and aim for that pen license!!!

At Wyburns, we follow the cursive handwriting scheme. Please see the document attached for the correct leading in and out lines. Children learn these from a young age. Once their handwriting is of the correct size, neat and legible they can earn themselves a pen licence. Please encourage your child to work on these at home as much as possible, particularly within written and spelling tasks.

You have been amazing this half term Class 1 and that brilliance has been bursting out week after week! I am so proud of all your achievements.
I hope you have a lovely Easter, relax and have fun spending time with your family. Try not to eat too much chocolate!!!

Keep being brilliant Class 1!

Miss Kemal