

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 25/1/19

This  week for home learning, we would like you to continue your research animals that live in the rainforest. Please, research 4 facts for the animals you have used in your English work this week. Remember to use Kiddle for safe searching and gather great facts. Home Learning is due in on Wednesday 30th January and will be needed for our English lesson. Please make sure it is in by then. 


Class 4, it's the dance festival on Monday. Please be at school promptly at 8am in your tracksuit bottoms and any T-shirt. I will give you your neon one on arrival. Please have a packed lunch and bring your uniform in a bag.



Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend.


The Y3/4 Team :) 
