

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 11.6.2021

Hi Class 4, 

After a fab week on free verse poetry, we have a home learning themed on this! You have a choice of home learning activities this week.

Option 1: Read the poem and come up with actions to learn the poem off by heart. Once you are confident, video yourself performing the poem with your actions and upload here.

Option 2: Write your own free verse poem on the theme of nature using the example and rules attached to help you.

If you are feeling super sparkly, you can of course do both!

As per, please remember to log into TTRS, MyOn and SumDog and continue to read and practise week 1 of your new set of spellings that have been assigned to you all :)

