

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 2.7.2021

Class 4,

After your fab work on shape, we would love for you to go on a 3D shape hunt! This could be around your house, out in the garden, on a walk...wherever! Remember to write down all of its properties. A reminder, vertices refers to the corners of 3D shapes.

Additionally, there is an optional times table home learning with a football theme! Colour by times tables! Work out the answer to the calculation and use the information at the top of the sheet to see which colour that tile should be. At the end, it will reveal a football related picture. It is an 8 times table activity so if this is one you find tricky, you may want to give the challenge a go so that you can practise.

As normal, remember to read, practise  week 4 spellings and log into TTRS, SumDog and Myon.

Have a lovely weekend!
