

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


These weeks are whizzing by! A fabulous Brilliance assembly kicked off the week. Everyone took ownership for it and worked so hard to put it all together. I am so proud of you all! Special thanks to our techno expert - Ethan - who put it all together and added in the music and voice overs! Brilliant job :)


We have been looking at poetry this week - The Dreadful Menace.

The children internalised the poem and have created their own version for a different season. We will continue with this next week and create a poem linked to our Geography topic.


In Science we investigated circuits and electric currents creating our own practical investigations. The children absolutely loved predicting and investigating.


Next week is our final week before half term and we will soon be entering our last half term together! This year has whizzed by!
