

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Blown Away

Blown Away

Image result for blown away penguin


This week we are looking at the book 'Blown Away'. This is about an amazing adventure of a penguin travelling by kite to a jungle. We are thinking about different types of environment around the world and have been thinking about whether we would prefer to live someone very cold or very hot.


In Maths, we have been looking at adding numbers together to make 10. We are working hard on our phonics and have nearly completed all of Phase 2. The children are becoming very brave writers and are starting to have a go at writing words with the sounds that they know. We are very impressed!


We have been working very hard rehearsing for our Christmas production and we are looking forward to presenting it to you on the 12th December.


