

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Brilliance 15.7.22


Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates


Acorns- Leiyana for her super kindness and thoughtfulness to others.  

Class 1- Hunter for his incredible effort in history this week. You have shown such interest, remember even the tiny details and are becoming a true historian! Well done!

Vincent - For your amazing work on time today! You have mastered o'clock and are ready for half past!

Class 2-  Lyla for up-levelling her vocabulary in her English work by using a thesaurus.

Poppie for being a kind and considerate friend.

Cassia for participation in our group discussion. 

Class 3- Ivy for her amazing inspiring saga writing!

Class 4-  Michael for always giving 100% within his learning and being a superstar!

Class 5- William For sharing your incredible theatrical performance with us! Even when you thought you might not make it, you pushed yourself to keep the show on the road! We are so proud of you!

Class 6-  Demi for stepping up at the last minute in the Greatest showman and doing a brilliant job of quick changing

Class 7- Hephzi for her all round awesomeness! Hollie and Annabel for stepping up and learning new lines in the play - awesome teamwork!

