

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Class Blog

Well where is the time going another week has flown by!

This week is another busy week. 

We have lanterns to make for or Winter festival.

There is NSPCC week where we have several assemblies to learn about the care of children who are less fortunate than others.

We are also learning all the Christmas songs for our Christmas celebration at the Church in a couple of weeks time.

Home learning is a project that runs for the next 4 weeks - different things to do as tasks for each of the week. Look at the slideshare to see what you have to do this week.

Please look at the plea for resources so you can bring them in as we have some items to collect for forthcoming projects in Art.


Here's to another productive week and have a great week end!

Miss Welsh
