

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Spelling Info


Super Spellers!


We hope you all received your new spellings ready for the week ahead! Spelling is tricky. Often children can remember their spellings for a test but sometimes forget them when it comes to writing something different. Here are some top tips to ensure your child becomes a super speller:



  • Learn the weekly spellings in a mixed up order
  • Put the spellings in sentences when you are practising them
  • Encourage looking at the word shape- do it look right?
  • Are there any sound patterns to look out for?
  • Keep a bank of spellings your child is not sure of and keep practising these
  • Can you us a mnemonic? Eg. because- big elephants can’t always use small exits


Your home learning is to try a new way of learning your spellings. Could you fit them into a sentence? Write a passage? Learn them on post-its? Tell us how you go on. Most importantly have fun!


If you have any questions please come and chat to the Key Stage 1 team J
