

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!



Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates


Acorns- Antigone for her fantastic dance routines and her organisational skills. She was able to make sure everyone had a fair go in the talent show the children put together.

1- Oakley A - For your amazing effort to edit and improve your writing this week when working in setting descriptions. You worked hard to put in extra adjectives and the result was amazing!

2- Ella for working extremely hard in all areas of her learning. Ella, your focus and determination has enabled you to produce some wonderful writing this week, well done!

3-  Sonny - for being amazing and shining his brilliance in everything activity! Keep it up!

4- Kamil - for his positive attitude to learning when faced with any new challenge.

5-  Elouisa for working hard to overcome things she finds tricky with her learning.


KS1 Reading Star- Oliver - Excellent effort and enthusiasm for reading

KS2 Reading Star- Class 4 Isabel S - Beautiful, reading this week Isabel.

