

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning

Home Learning 13.12.19


Money home learning has been set this week. Each child has been given an activity to complete. Also working to understand how to use coins and notes when buying items and giving change, including the use of coins and notes.

Happy spending!

Road Safety Home Learning 18.11.19

Home Learning 15.11.19

Home Learning 8.11.19

Creative Home Learning 18.10.19

Addition Home Learning 11.10.19

Tables Table Rockstar Battles have now been set between Class 1 and 2 and Class 2 girls and boys. Please visit the website and compete as much as you can. The 2 children who use it the most will receive a certificate in assembly every Monday. Lets get times tabling Class 2!

4th October - Eco Competition

3D Shapes Home Learning 27.9.19

Special People Home Learning 20.9.19

Times table books have now been given out. Each child has their own level of skill to complete. These begin at x2 then move onto division calculations and then onto the next times table. Please help your child to learn these tables for a quiz each Monday. 

We look forward to seeing how hard they have worked each week.
