

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 4 - 23.1.23

Class 2 have been working really hard this week in many areas:

- In Maths they have been finding equal parts of objects in our new unit of multiplication and division. The children partitioned groups of amounts, added them together and made multiplication totals.

- In English we have explored Oliver Twist, discovered how he lived and why he was so poor.  The children created story journeys, used adjectives and adverbs to describe the story as well as thinking about how poor Oliver felt.  We came up with some thought provoking vocabulary to describe his feelings and emotions.

- In DT we have begun to design our dolls from a long time ago. We studied toy dolls and compared how they have changed to nowadays, there were some interesting differences. Soon we will cut out the material templates and sew our own dolls!

- In Computing we have discussed the importance of keeping information private online because we do not know who we are talking to. The children came up with some great examples of how this could impact on them whilst online.

- We finished our Science unit as we discovered healthy eating by designing a healthy lunch. We had some delicious salads, sandwiches and healthy snacks, great job!


Wow, what a busy week we have had and this is just some of the areas we learnt about!

Thank you for always sharing your brilliance with us Year 2.

Home Learning for this week is:

1. Spellings for this week are attached.

Put them into sentences using conjunctions - or, but, so, if, because, when, that, although, however.

2 A reading comprehension task has been sent home with your child. Please read the text and answer the questions as independently as possible. The children have been working on this in class each week.
