

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Junior Governors

Our Junior Governors are a group of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and work together to improve our school.  We follow a democratic process to elect the Junior Governors.  If they wish  to become a Junior Governor the pupils must give a speech to their class at the beginning of the year. They are then invited to an put up posters and campaign. There is then an election process completed by the whole school. Once elected, the Junior Governors meet to discuss issues that are important to the children.  They have an agenda which they create, the secretary of the Junior Governors takes the minutes and another chairs the meeting. 

A Rights Respecting School!


One of the main jobs of a junior Governor is to make sure that the children and adults of Wyburns know their rights! 


ABCDE of Rights
