

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

23-11-18 Weekly update

What a busy week! We had Road Safety as a school focus this week and lots of you cycled or scooted to school on Tuesday. We also looked at the angles on a bike and created a road safety jingle to the tune of Jingle Bells! Despite the cold weather, we also managed to win the eco-cup for the first time ever! Well done Class 6.


In other news, we created a class newspaper full of fabulous articles relating to the tragedy at Lindisfarne in 793CE. We mastered BODMAS and applied our knowledge to tricky problem solving tasks and you have upped your game on Rock TT. The competitive enthusiasm is amazing and will set you all in good stead mathematically. Very proud of you all.


Get lots of rest as next week is shaping up to be a jam packed, fun filled week too :)


Don't forget the homework is on the website. If you need a paper copy please let me know (before Friday!)

DT project- motorised cars :)
