

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!



Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates


Acorns- All of Acorns for all being superstars on Sports Day!

1- George for always being a true ray of sunshine in our class. You always have the biggest smile, the kindest words and most wonderful manners.

2- Noah for being such a kind, caring and thoughtful member of the class. We are so lucky to have you Noah, thank you!

3-  Lilia for her fantastic resilience and confidence in her reading! You have amazed me with your determination to try a range and variety of vocabulary too!

4- Isabelle and George for super resilience during sports day.

5- Eddie for working very hard with his reading. He has made amazing progress with his reading this term.

6- Yash Patel for being such a fabulous organiser this week in the play! You are such a superstar!

KS1 Reading Star- George 

KS2 Reading Star- Bobby 

