

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 6 & Snapshots

Class 2 have been working super hard to make their handwriting rests on the line correctly, that it is joined up, and looks super neat. They have also been using their sounds to write many new words, well done Class 2! Our first sound of the week was - ey in key, donkey and much more.  This week we have also written letters as if we were Space Dog, Astrocat or Moustronaut. It has been great fun, I hope they like your letters! Number work has been tricky this week and you have all worked hard to learn about the inverse of numbers e.g adding can be changed for subtraction, the inverse of 2+7=9 is  9-7=2. There are so many possibilities with numbers.

Amazing resilience Class 2, you were brilliant when giving constructive feedback to your partner.

Keep up the fantastic work Class 2!
