

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Class 6

An absolutely amazing week this week. The children were so mature and sensible when discussing our topics in PSHE at the beginning of the week. They then completed their best writing to date - an amazing narrative about a WW2 veteran who remembers his past as he plays the piano. They also demonstrated outstanding resilience and supported each other during cross country. I am so proud of you all Class 6! Keep it up! We finished the week by creating our masterpieces in art. The children have experimented with different materials over the past few weeks before deciding on what they wanted to use.


The grammar homework this week is on the website and the children have a slow write to complete in their folders (they all know what to do as we complete these in school every week). The expectation is that the three quizzes on are completed by Friday 15th February. These have been on there for the last few weeks :)


Any queries, please come and talk to me 

Happy weekend all :)

