

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


Have a read of some of our amazing poems based on 'The Sound Collector' by Robert McGough.


The crunching of the leaves

The splatting of the rain

When you go near a drain

You can hear the splashing of the rain again


The howling of the wind

The swishing of the trees

Always beware

There might be bees




The swishing of the trees

The tweeting of the bird

The splashing of the rain

The screaming of the children

The squeaking of the squirrel




The sploshing of the rain

The tweeting of the bird

The screaming of the kids

That’s simply absurd


The crunching of the leaves

The swishing of the trees

The squeaking of the squirrel

As it starts to sneeze




The tweeting of the birds

The splashing of the rain

The crunching of the leaves

The swishing of the trees




