

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 1 - 5-9th June

Wow Class 2 what a fab week we have had! In Maths we have been measuring items, weighing them and looking at temperatures. You have all been so resilient when solving problems using the 4 operations.  In English we have planted seeds and written instructions. As part of Science we have discovered where food comes from, taken a trip to the allotment to discover all the things that are growing and researched the food chain. You have all worked super hard, well done!

Home Learning for this week is:

1. Spellings for this week are attached.

Put them into sentences using conjunctions - or, but, so, if, because, when, that, although, however.

2. Practise your x6 times tables - complete the sheet attached.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Clark
