

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Coronavirus Update

Dear Parents/ Carers,


As a school, we have cancelled all non-essential visits and visitors and increased the cleaning schedule of all surfaces. We are insisting on regular hand washing and use of sanitiser. We are splitting break times and lunchtimes to reduce the number of pupils together at one time; and increasing the number of outside breaks. 


Advice as of 9:02am 17/03/2020

The advice around self-isolation has changed, for clarity, the new advice around self-isolation is as follows: 

  • If any member of a family show symptoms the advice is that the whole household should self-isolate for 14 days. This is to help to protect others in the community.
  • Women who are pregnant have been advised to avoid social contact where possible – you will need to speak to your members of staff who are pregnant about working from home (
  • An announcement about self-isolation for particular groups of people is expected later this week; these groups include:
    • Those who are pregnant
    • Have serious underlying health conditions
    • Are aged over 70.
  • Schools are to stay open