

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Director of Wellbeing, Public Health and Communities, Essex County Council.

Education settings have been able to return to full-time opening for all students this term, due in large to a reduction in COVID-19 cases in the community. This reduction is thanks to the sacrifices every member of the community made earlier this year, by staying at home, not seeing friends and relatives in person, and maintaining social distancing measures. However, as restrictions have been eased and schools and colleges are now returning full time, we must all remain alert.


Schools and colleges have measures in place for pupils attending in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. They are asking pupils to wash their hands more regularly, restricting time spent in communal areas and, importantly, keeping pupils in class or year group-sized bubbles. This limits the number of people each pupil and staff member comes into contact with in their setting.


When travelling to and from settings, we know groups of pupils and parents must arrive at the same time. Schools have put measures in place to aid the safe entry and exit of pupils. These may include queueing systems, one way systems  or monitors to oversee arrivals and departures. It is crucial that pupils and parents maintain a two metre distance from others at the school gate. The whole school population, whether on school grounds or off it, must remain vigilant and observe social distancing measures. It is vital we all play our part if we’re to avoid a spike in the community and the reintroduction of lockdown measures.


I thank you for your support.


Dr Mike Gogarty

Director of Wellbeing, Public Health and Communities, Essex County Council.
