

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


Wow Class 3, how quick has this week been!


You have all impressed me with your maths knowledge counting in 50's, ordering numbers and of course your times tables! We had lots of fun with out bowling times table game smiley


You have all worked super hard in English and worked incredibly hard and independent on your story plans!


We have been super shadow scientists this week, learning and investigating all about shadows even drawing and measuring our own!


Well done to all of you in swimming this week! You were super speedy getting changed. We have got to try and beat our speed next week smiley


A little reminder, please remember to bring in your reading sponsorship form and any money you have been able collect by the 1st October. We will be counting your reading minutes that you have recorded from 20th -27th September so please make sure that they have been written in your partnership books  :)

It is also MacMillian Coffee Morning on Monday 27th, you can donate on eduspot/ parent pay or you can make a donation on the day if you can. Also, if you would like a drink please bring in your reusable cup.

Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday smiley
