

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


You have definitely upped your game this week class 5! Less chatting between tasks so lots more work completed! Fabulous effort by all on TTRockstars too - we have lots of Rock Legends this week. Our current battle expires tomorrow ........


This week we have been using information texts and the tablets to research the solar system. We are using the information to create an explanation text to share with the younger children at school next week. The children have learnt about formality and how to use passive voice (remember the subject comes after the verb. Object, verb, subject for passive. If you can use by zombies after the verb, it is passive :)) Our homework this week links into this.

In maths this week we have looked at addition and subtraction, multiplication and will move onto division next week. We are currently practising our 7x table (we covered 6x last week) and hope to improve our speed and accuracy.


Gardening club starts next week on Thursday at lunchtime. The interested children volunteered and because there were so many who wanted to do it, we will draw them out of a hat tomorrow :) 


Tomorrow is our annual Macmillan coffee morning. Please pop in for a cuppa and a slice of cake. We'd love to see you and it is for a fantastic cause.





