

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Our Learning

Class 7 have been very creative this week. In English we followed on from our letter writing into a court case so we could hear the eye-witness accounts from The Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, The woodcutter and Grandma. The children put themselves into defence and prosecution lawyers so they could grill the witnesses with questions whilst some of the children were the jury. They had to listen attentively so they could make a verdict. Four of the children acted the parts out and were brilliant in role. It was a gripping case with the jury having a split decision on the Wolf and his guilt. Mr Young (The Judge) made the final decision and he dramatically thought the wolf was ... NOT GUILTY! You can read all about the drama in our newspaper reports next week.


In Science we have tried a different approach for our materials topic and the children have come up with their own questions they want to investigate. They worked very well in groups to brainstorm ideas and next week they will write these up before they carry out and evaluate their investigations.


Have a great weekend 



Mr Young and Mrs Beale
