Hi Class 4!
Below is a list of Home Learning for you to keep you busy over half term
There is also more information attached below on how to complete these.
Please can you complete the following 
- Your first task is create and complete a Christmas poem
This is for a competition where there will be a chance to win a prize that we will be entering so try your very best!
- Your second task is to complete a fact file on our topic Black History Month, please see help sheet attached.
- Your third task is a creative task. It is linked to our Greek History work! We would like you to be super creative and create a Parthenon with anything you can! Be creative and resourceful! We look forward to seeing the pictures you send in! Please see help sheet attached.
Optional half term home learning to keep you busy :
- I have attached some year 3 and 4 Maths Halloween booklets for you to complete

- I have attached a Young Voices information flyer for some singing fun!
All resources are attached to help you with the tasks. Enjoy