Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates
Europe- Max - His wonderful attitude to learning about matching pairs! He was brilliant at sharing his wonderful ideas!
Africa - Harry - For your incredible effort in your maths so far! You approach every challenge with enthusiasm and you really blew me away with ordering numbers. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for you!
North America- Cassia for her fantastic creative writing this week. You have used amazing vocabulary within your writing!
Antarctica- Phoebe for continued resilience in her spellings this week.
South America- Jake for his fantastic work in computing this week! You showed off your own skills and helped your classmates to be successful too!
Oceania- Bobby - for going above and beyond in everything he does. You are starting to reap the benefits of your dedication too!
KS1 Reading Star- Antigone -for applying her phonic knowledge to her reading. You phonics superstar!
KS2 Reading Star- Chloe D - Year 4 for working really hard on her reading skills and supporting others when accessing reading online