What a brilliant week in class 7!
This week we created some brilliant websites through Google Sites all about Vikings! You can check these out through the link that your kids submitted to me on Google Classroom under Viking Websites :) In maths, we have been having tons of fun with fractions! We were incredibly resilient while learning about BODMAS with fractions and had a great to calculating the fractions of amounts.
In English, we've been delving EVEN more into the Vikings as we wrote a newspaper report about the raid on Lindisfarne. We also had some fab teamwork in PE this week as we learned some skills to be successful in rugby and tennis. Finally, Friday afternoon we were able to celebrate our September/October/November birthday parties! This consisted of a fun Viking game, a dance party and some delicious treats :)
We are beginning to practice our Christmas songs and I encourage all the kids to listen and practice the words at home if possible; our songs this year are Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.