

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 24.2.23 - Due 3.3.23

Hello Class 1! This week we have been working hard on action verbs!
Remember our song? 'A verb is a word, it's an action word! if you can do it, IT'S A VERB!'
In the spirit of this, I have written a list of action verbs and I would like for you to choose a few and write a sentence using it.
For example, 'I walk my dog'.
Also remember that the suffix 'ed' or 'ing' can be added to change the meaning. For example, 'I am walking the dog' or 'I walked the dog'. You can use it in any form! 
Please don't feel like you need to write a sentence for all of them. Just choose your favourites :)

Please also remember to pratise spellings, read and log into SumDog and BugClub.

Have a lovely weekend.
