Your home learning is inspired by our passion of reading. Please complete and send it direct.
Entries should be emailed to or sent via post to: Essex Year of Reading Competition, Essex Library Services, County Hall, Market Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1QH.
Please state your name, age, address, email and telephone number on your entry.
The closing date for all entries is Friday 6th May.
Entries for Essex Year of Reading Storytelling Competition
We’re looking for short stories up to 750 words on the theme “Essex in the past, present or future”. Stories can be words only, or include illustrations. We also welcome storyboards and graphic novels. Shortlisted entries will receive certificates and will be published on the Essex Year of Reading app. The overall winner will receive a £100 book token. Full details can be found on the Essex County Council website.
Have fun writing your short stories about Essex in the past, present or future. Please remember to practise spellings, login to Sumdog, Myon and TTRS too.
Please see attached the ten spellings which we have been learning the patterns for in our lessons this week. Also please see the 10 National Curriculum spellings to practise for next Friday.