What a busy Summer term we have had so far!
Class 4 have worked hard in all areas of their learning, here's what we have been up to so far:
In Maths we have worked on exploring decimals and money including totalling and subtracting.
In English we have explored Wishing tales and Myths linked to our History topic of Ancient Egypt.
In Science our new topic is Plants. We have had great fun planting different seeds and can't wait for them to grow! We have learnt the names of parts of a plant, how plants grow, which plants can grow without water and why and even looked at the plant life cycle. We will soon move onto creating an investigation on plants and have fun in the allotment planting more plants.
In PE you've worked hard on your dance and athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day, wow we have some many great runners and throwers.
In music Class 4 have been learning the ukulele, take a look at the fab photos.
Our main event coming up soon is The Junior Music Festival where Class 4 have been invited to participate at The Cliffs Pavilion in Southend. Class 4 have been eagerly learning the songs for the many songs that they will perform, you are all great singers and we are very proud of you. Keep learning those songs.
Well done Class 4!