

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Well-being week

Well-Being Week


This week has been Well-Being week at Wyburns. We have been looking at the 5 ways in which we can improve the way we feel.


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We have enjoyed connecting with our new talk partners. We have asked them questions and written them letters to take home. We are still getting to know each others' names and enjoyed some games in P.E. to help to get to know one another.


Take Notice:

We took time this week to go on a listening walk and sit quietly and notice the sounds around us. We took a moment to explore different types of music and how this made us feel. I will add a link to one of the children's favourite pieces of music below!


Keep Learning:

We are all learning a lot at the moment! New rules and routines as well as practising our listening skills. We have also been thinking this week about what we could be when we grow up. The children talked with their new talk partners about their dreams! We had everything from a vet to a Power Ranger! The children painted some brilliant pictures of their aspirations for the future!


Be Active:

In EYFS we are active every day. We have enjoyed building castles and bike ramps and circuits this week. We have had a couple of children master the two wheeled bicycle as well and we enjoyed our first 'full' change into our P.E. kits this week for some games in the hall.



Everyone looked great on Jeans 4 Genes day. We talked about how we can help others and how that can make us feel good too. We collected the £1 donations for a great cause. We discussed how to be helpful at home and the children all made and decorated a promise of help to take home to their parents. Hopefully some of the children are living up to their promises!





Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountain King

You are walking down into the heart of a mountain. In it, you are told, is the one you've come to see. Welcome to the hall...of the Mountain King.
