

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


It is so good to be back to base! The children (resilient as ever!) have just taken the move into their stride and smashed this week! 

We have really focused on our writing this week - concentrating on which verbs belong with which subjects, so that we can punctuate our sentences efficiently. As always, they have all worked their socks off and made amazing progress!

In maths, we have tackled calculating metric measures, which is no mean feat! The children showed great resilience when applying their knowledge to problem solving questions.

In PE, we are building our stamina and may go on the field. If your child has old trainers, please send them in with them on a Thursday. Our PE days from next week are Wednesday and Thursday.

Home learning is on GC ready for the children to complete.
