How is staff mental health supported?
Mental Health Policy in school.
Teachers are given extra training to help them support all children's emotions in class. A level 3 mental health training has been delivered by the charity ‘Kids inspire.’ The mental health lead updates staff on well-being updates. All staff trained with the Trauma perception training, training given on how adults can self regulate and access support if needed. Regularly wellbeing training sessions are delivered on a termly basis.
Sign up to the Wellbeing Education Charter by the DFE, with objectives successfully achieved.
Staff meetings have been assigned for a co- coaching session. This is an opportunity for teachers to discuss with other teachers what they are finding hard and find strategies on how they can help solve any difficulties.
Wyburns has an "talking" culture, where any teachers can come and talk to any members of the SLT. Mrs Clark offering Chat and Chill sessions for the staff.
Peer2Peer support given to headteacher and leaders via Education Support.
Bupa support given to office and groundmen staff.
KS1, LKS2 and a UPKS2 manager’s have been appointed, so any teachers can discuss any problems and support new teachers to Wyburns and NQT'S.
Work Life Balance strategies are consistently reminded during staff meetings to help the workload.
School has funded supervision sessions, for any staff who need to confidently offload or talk through any concerns they may have.
Clear Strategy on how staff can report any concerns they might have with their class.