

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


“What are they like?” an open session led by Miss Milner and Mrs Clark where parents can arrange a meeting for a non - judgemental chat.


Regular Parent Questionnaire - giving parents an anonymised survey so parents can talk about what they like or what they would like the school to improve on.


Fortnightly Blogs - Written by Mrs Wood on agendas and thoughts of the week. Sharing helpful resources like Blurt it out, playlists and helpful social media accounts.


Open Door Policy – parents can come and speak to teachers straight after school to discuss any concerns they may have. Parents who may not pick their child up are encouraged to write a note in the home school diary or ring the school if they have any concerns.


Wellbeing Display Board located in office. Frequently Updated with advice and support.

Parent Partnership meetings – An opportunity for parents to share their childrens' goals and abilities with teachers.


Anglian Ruskin Social Worker employed to work with some families.


Headteacher support – The Headteacher will regularly stand outside to welcome children and parents into school. This gives parents the opportunity to voice any concerns and also for the Headteacher to see if any parents are looking worried. The Headteacher will opening welcome parents, who are having difficulties at home, into the office to talk to and support
