What a lovely wellbeing week Class 3!
Fantastic work on our last week of statistics Class 3! You have blown my socks off with your table and data work over the last coupe of weeks! We have also finished off our Narnia stories to the best they can be! You have all worked very hard on these and you should be very proud of yourselves! I am very proud of all of you!
We also have listened and composed some music this week and used our recorders for the first time too! We had lots of fun and giggles when learning the recorder. I am looking forward to us practising some more.
We have lots of fun, inspiring and positive activities all focussed on our mental wellbeing. We have taken part in a walk and talk mile walk. We have had fun dancing in Feel Good! We had a lovely session with Power of Thoughts and learning about our feelings and our own control we do have. We also have had chance to think about how amazing you all are with our hands and writing our Stars of Fame! Let’s not forget Bouncebackability
To end our last day you have all been super artists today focusing on Fredia Kahlo how amazing! You all participated in a variety of activities based all around her and learnt lots of fantastic facts and produced fabulous masterpieces!
Have a lovely half term break