

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 3.3.23 - Due 10.3.23

Hello Year 1! We have been working hard on doubles this week and so I have set a home learning based on this.


I have attached 2 Chilli challenges. You do not have to complete both but can if you would like to.


If you can recall your doubles up to 20 in your head, i.e. if you can remember all doubles up to 10+10=20, then go for Chilli 2. If you are still working on this (which is absolutely fine, you're doing great!) then go for Chilli 1. Of course, if you complete this and would like to give Chilli 2 a go, GO FOR IT!


Please also remember to read, practise spellings and log into SumDog and BugClub :)


SumDog -

BudClub -
