What a busy week we've had! From road safety day on Wednesday, to making Paddington sandwiches on Thursday and finally enjoying the amazing Wyburn's got Talent today - it's been a whirlwind! For your home learning this week I would like you log onto and read (or listen) to a story of your choice before bedtime. There are hundreds to choose from! Maybe you could write a book review on your favourite book? Or write a character description on your favourite character? Your myon logins can be found written on the back of your partnerships books :)
Could you please also continue to learn the song lyrics for our Christmas production. I am in the process of editing the script so I will be sending out your new lines shortly. In addition, please practise your Week 4 spellings which will also be sent out shortly.
I hope you have a restful weekend. See you on Monday!
Miss Kemal