

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Brilliance 17.3.23


Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates


Acorns- Amelia for her fantastic effort with all her work this week. She has helped others around the classroom and has been making up new games, activities and finding new ways to make things that she can use in her play.

1-Gracie for always going above and beyond to put a smile on everyone’s faces! You have also worked so hard on our class quizzes this week! We are so lucky to have you in our class!

2- Michaela for a fab first week! We have started to see your confidence blossom, you have made lots of friends and you always have a big smile on your face. We can’t wait to see what you achieve here at Wyburns. 

3- Braydyn for his super effort! He has wowed us with his hard work this week and this has demonstrated how super successful he can be!

4- Hayden R for his determination and resilience this week.

5- Orla Gosden for working very hard in maths this week. She has done exceptionally well, especially in mastering long multiplication which we have been revising.

6- Jessica -Your willingness to support others and your dedication to your learning. You are always ready to learn and are a fabulous role model to others!


KS1 Reading Star- George

KS2 Reading Star- Oscar F

