Welcome Asia.
You are now in Year 2!
Here's a few messages for you:
-PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday's - please come in a PE kit all day.
-Please bring in a water bottle everyday.
-Please have a waterproof coat in your bag each day so that we can go outside at anytime.
New Partnership and Reading books have been given out today. Your child has been heard read, what fab readers they all are! Please note in the Partnership book once they have read, then encourage your child to change their book as needed, we will remind them too.
This week we are going into the allotment to enjoy some outdoor learning, if you would like to bring in any old shoes to wear you're welcome to.
Our elections for the following roles will take place on Wednesday:
-Sports Ambassador - help with PE equipment across the school and much more.
-Eco Ambassador - help to keep the school as Eco friendly as possible.
- Junior Governors - helping our school.
Please write a speech if you would like to take up these roles including why would you like to take on this role and how you would be good at it.
See the posters attached for more details.
Many thanks,
Mrs Clark