

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Brilliance 29.4.22


Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates


Acorns- Austin for his brilliant effort when writing sentences about animals. He really concentrated on the sounds he could hear and used his sound mat to help him Keep up the amazing work!

Class 1- Zainab for her confidence and acting skills when we filmed our own version of Little Red Riding Hood. Go superstar!

Class 2-  Lilia for outstanding resilience during her English lessons this week.

Class 3- Cara for her positive attitude and her fantastic teamwork during the plant experiments in our science. Keep up your positivity! 

Class 4- Oliver A for working hard during lessons this week and Bobby for being a fantastic role model and always working hard at school.

Class 5- Charlie for the determination and integrity that you have brought to the class this week. Well done!

Class 6-  Laila for being an excellent pupil, with her can-do attitude - all with a smiling, happy face who is keen to listen and learn.

Class 7-Jude for his incredible dedication and determination in Maths this week. You smashed those tricky angles!

