

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 18.4.23 - Due 5.5.23

Year 1, you blew me away with your instructions this week! You worked so hard and I have loved seeing how you have improved from the last time that we wrote them. This week, I would love for you to write a set of instructions on what you like to have for breakfast. This can be anything from a classic like toast or a good old bowl of cereal, or it can be something a bit more complicated such as a bacon sandwich or pancakes. The choice is yours!


I have attached a checklist of things to remember and an example to help you. I have also attached a template for you to use if you wish, however you do not have to. I look forward to reading them and even following some to have for my own breakfast!


Please also remember to read, practise spellings and log into SumDog and BugClub :)
