Another wonderful week!
In maths we have now moved onto place value within 20! We have looked at numbers within 20 and are now focussing on specific numbers. We focussed on understanding 10, recognising and learning tips and tricks to efficiently work out if a number or objects are 10 or not. We also looked at how we can make 10 in different ways.
In English, we have continued on with the Enormous Turnip! We have planned out our own stories by changing the vegetable and characters in the story and have even used this to help us create our own front covers for the narratives we are soon to write! We also created setting boxes of the farms they will be set at! What a fun and creative week in English!
We have completed lots of PSHE this week and have focussed on thoughts and feelings of ourselves and others. We have thought about the zones of regulation and how we might show that we are in a certain zone, and how other people might do this too. We also spoke about how our feelings can be hurt as well as our bodies and how we should respond in these situations.