

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 1 - 3rd September 2024

What a fab first week back we have had!

Well done everyone for being so resilient and giving your very best!

This week we have been getting to know the class routines, practicing our counting, reading, writing, handwriting, phonics and so much more! We have been working hard to understand and use the Zones of Regulation to see how they effect our emotions. We were all fab at this and could identify many of them.  In Science we have begun our topic on Materials. We went on a material hunt and sorted them into categories according to their properties.

We have much more of this to come in the following weeks!

Above is a link to your home learning for this week, please complete this and bring into school by Thursday next week.

Have a great weekend!
