

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 30.4.2021

Class 4,

For your home learning this week, we would like for you to choose a part of 'The Tunnel' story and write it as a scene from a play. You do not need to rewrite the whole thing, just one scene is enough but of course feel free to write on if you wish.

Remember to set the scene in the present tense, write who is speaking in the margin, include stage directions (including adverbs) in brackets and of course their dialogue.

We have attached the story and an example play script to the assignment to help you with this. Of course, there isn't much speech in the story so you will have to be imaginative and think about what they might be saying (just like we did with our Wall-e inspired play scripts).

Have fun and please also remember to practise week 3 spellings, read and log into TTRS, SumDog and MyOn.

Enjoy the long weekend :)
